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Lifting a monadic computation through a stack of monad transformers, part 1

We’ve already know that we can lift a monadic computation using lift of MonadTrans. For example, we can lift print to MaybeT monad like:

test = runMaybeT go
      go = lift $ print "Test"

But how can we lift a computation that takes monadic computations as its arguments? For example, how can we define this liftFunc1?

testFunc1 :: (Int -> IO a) -> IO a
testFunc1 f = f 1

func1 :: Int -> MaybeT IO Int
func1 n = lift (print n) >> return n

test1 = runMaybeT go
      go = liftFunc1 testFunc1 func1

The type signature of this function may be like this:

liftFunc1 :: ((a -> IO b) -> IO b) -> (a -> MaybeT IO b) -> MaybeT IO b

and its definition would be something like this one.

liftFunc1 f g = let h x = liftM fromJust $ runMaybeT $ g x
                    z = f h
                in MaybeT $ liftM Just z

But because f needs to return b, we have to get a value from Maybe and re-wrap it in Just. As you’ve notice, it doesn’t work if g returns Nothing.

So we allow the inner computation to wrap its return value with Maybe. The new type signature would be:

liftFunc1 :: ((a -> IO (Maybe b) -> IO (Maybe b)) -> (a -> MaybeT IO b) -> MaybeT IO b

and the definition would be:

liftFunc1 f g = let h x = runMaybeT $ g x
                    z = f h
                in MaybeT z

The basic idea is to run the outer monad (MaybeT, this case) and wrap the monadic value with a container (Maybe) and make the inner monad return it (IO (Maybe b)).

Note that because we made the inner computation to wrap its return value, the function must be polymorphic. You can’t lift a computation like this one.

testFunc :: (Int -> IO Int) -> IO Int

We have defined liftFunc1 that lifts a monadic computation that takes a function that takes one argument. How about a function that takes no argument or two arguments? Those will be:

liftFunc0 f g = let h = runMaybeT g
                    z = f h
                in MaybeT z

liftFunc2 f g = let h x y = runMaybeT $ g x y
                    z = f h
                in MaybeT z

Now I’d like to define a function that can be used for all of these computations. The very simple approach is moving h to callers. If we define liftFunc' as

liftFunc' :: (a -> IO (Maybe b)) -> a -> MaybeT IO b
liftFunc' f g = let z = f g
                in MaybeT z

we can write a caller like:

test' = runMaybeT go
      go = liftFunc' testFunc2 (\x y -> runMaybeT $ func2 x y)

This is fine, but we don’t make a caller to call runMaybeT directly, because we’d like to make a caller to be used with other monad transformers in the future. So we made liftFunc'' to pass runMaybeT to g.

liftFunc'' :: (a -> IO (Maybe b)) -> ((MaybeT IO c -> IO (Maybe c)) -> a) -> MaybeT IO b
liftFunc'' f g = let z = f (g runMaybeT)
                     in MaybeT z

test'' = runMaybeT go
      go = liftFunc'' testFunc2 (\run x y -> run $ func2 x y)

As you’ve noticed, because g will be just given back to f, we don’t need to pass g to liftFunc''. Instead of passing runMaybeT to g, we pass it to f and make liftFunc''' not take g as an argument.

liftFunc''' :: ((MaybeT IO a -> IO (Maybe a)) -> IO (Maybe b)) -> MaybeT IO b
liftFunc''' f = let z = f runMaybeT
                in MaybeT z

test''' = runMaybeT go
      go = liftFunc''' $ \run -> testFunc2 $ \x y -> run $ func2 x y

With liftFunc''' you can lift a computation that takes a monadic computation that takes any number of arguments.

liftFunc''' $ \run -> testFunc0 $ run func0
liftFunc''' $ \run -> testFunc1 $ \x -> run $ func1 x
liftFunc''' $ \run -> testFunc2 $ \x y -> run $ func2 x y

But it doesn’t allow to take more than one computations that return different types. For example,

testFunc01 :: IO a -> (Int -> IO b) -> IO b
testFunc01 f g = f >> g 0

runMaybeT $ liftFunc''' $ \run -> testFunc01 (run $ return 'a') (\n -> run $ return n)

cannot type-check. To make this type-check, we have to make run function polymorphic by adding an explicit type signature like:

liftFunc''' :: ((forall a. MaybeT IO a -> IO (Maybe a)) -> IO (Maybe b)) -> MaybeT IO b

Note that you need to enable RankNTypes extension.