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Evaluate lenses by hand

I was wondering how I could get lenses from this definition:

type Lens' a b = Functor f => (b -> f b) -> a -> f a

so I tried to define a simple lenses and evaluate them by hand. Here are simple lenses and some utilities.

{-# LANGUAGE Rank2Types #-}

import Data.Functor
import Data.Functor.Constant
import Data.Functor.Identity

type Lens' a b = Functor f => (b -> f b) -> a -> f a

view :: Lens' a b -> a -> b
view l a = getConstant $ l Constant a

set :: Lens' a b -> b -> a -> a
--set l b = over l (const b)
set l b a = runIdentity $ l (Identity . const b) a

over :: Lens' a b -> (b -> b) -> a -> a
over l f a = runIdentity $ l (Identity . f) a

_1 :: Lens' (p, q) p
_1 g (x, y) = (\x' -> (x', y)) <$> g x

_2 :: Lens' (p, q) q
_2 g (x, y) = (\y' -> (x, y')) <$> g y

And view _1 and over _1 are evaluated this way.

view _1 (p, q) = getConstant $ _1 Constant (p, q)
               -- _1 = \g (x, y) -> (\x' -> (x', y)) <$> g x
               = getConstant $ (\g (x, y) -> (\x' -> (x', y)) <$> g x) Constant (p, q)
               -- g = Constant, x = p, y = q
               = getConstant $ (\x' -> (x', q)) <$> Constant p
               -- _ <$> Constant p = Constant p
               = getConstant $ Constant p
               = p

over _1 f (p, q) = runIdentity $ _1 (Identity . f) (p, q)
                 -- _1 = \g (x, y) -> (\x' -> (x', y)) <$> g x
                 = runIdentity $ (\g (x, y) -> (\x' -> (x', y)) <$> g x) (Identity . f) (p, q)
                 -- g = Identity . f, x = p, y = q
                 = runIdentity $ (\x' -> (x', q)) <$> (Identity . f) p
                 = runIdentity $ (\x' -> (x', q)) <$> Identity (f p)
                 -- h <$> Identity p = Identity (h p)
                 = runIdentity $ Identity ((\x' -> (x', q)) (f p))
                 = runIdentity $ Identity (f p, q)
                 = (f p, q)