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Type-safe list, DataKinds, ConstraintKinds and more

I’ve recently learned GHC’s extensions for kinds such as DataKinds and ConstraintKinds, and I think it’s worth leaving some notes about them. To make it clear which extension does what, I’m going to use them step-by-step, although you may feel it redundant. Let’s take a type-safe list as an example.

1. Type-safe list

Here is a basic implementation of type-safe list.

             NoImplicitPrelude #-}

data Z
data S n

data List len a where
    Nil :: List Z a
    Cons :: a -> List l a -> List (S l) a

head :: List (S l) a -> a
head (Cons a _) = a

tail :: List (S l) a -> List l a
tail (Cons _ r) = r

This List type has a phantom type of len which keeps track of a length of a list. So, for example, applying head and tail to Nil makes the type-checker fail.

*Main> head Nil

    Couldn't match type ‘Z’ with ‘S l0’
    Expected type: List (S l0) a
      Actual type: List Z a
    In the first argument of ‘head’, namely ‘Nil’
    In the expression: head Nil

2. Make it an instance of Show

Before starting playing with it, I’d like to make List an instance of Show so that we can print it.

             StandaloneDeriving #-}

import Prelude (Show)

data Z
data S n

data List len a where
    Nil :: List Z a
    Cons :: a -> List l a -> List (S l) a

deriving instance Show a => Show (List len a)

I just enabled StandaloneDeriving extension and added a standalone deriving declaration to make it an instance of Show. Note that a compiler complains if you add deriving Show directly to List.

3. Introduce Num kind

One possible flaw in this implementation is that it’s possible to specify an arbitrary type as len. For example, the following snippet type-checks. This is because the kind of len is *, so you can apply any type whose kind is * to it.

*Main Prelude> :t undefined :: List Int Char
undefined :: List Int Char :: List Int Char

To check its kind, you can use :kind in GHCi.

*Main Prelude> :kind List
List :: * -> * -> *

To avoid this flaw, you can introduce your own kind using DataKinds extension.

{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds,
             StandaloneDeriving #-}

import Prelude (Show)

data Num = Z | S Num

data List len a where
    Nil :: List Z a
    Cons :: a -> List l a -> List (S l) a

deriving instance Show a => Show (List len a)

When you enable DataKinds, GHC creates a kind for a corresponding type, and types for correspoinding data constructors.

data Num = Z | S Num

The above snippet defines Num kind, and Z and S type constructor, as well an ordinal Num type. It’s something like this pseudo code.

data Num = Z | S Sum -- This defines an ordinal type
kind Num -- This defines Num kind
data Z :: Num -- This defines Z type whose kind is Num
data S Num :: Num -- This define S type whose kind is Num -> Num

This can become tricky because Bool can be interpreted as a type or a kind depending on where it is used. The same goes for True and False, which can be interpreted as types or values (data constructors). It’s vital to distinguish these two interpretations when you read and write code that works on types.

With this definition, the compiler doesn’t type-check the last example.

*Main Prelude> :t undefined :: List Int Char

    The first argument of ‘List’ should have kind ‘Main.Num’,
      but ‘Int’ has kind ‘*’
    In an expression type signature: List Int Char
    In the expression: undefined :: List Int Char

Also, you can check its kind.

*Main Prelude> :kind List
List :: Main.Num -> * -> *

4. Add a kind signature

In the example in the previous section, it’s not obvious that a kind of len is Num. When you enable KindSignatures extension, you can explicitly write its kind.

{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds,
             StandaloneDeriving #-}

import Prelude (Show)

data Num = Z | S Num

data List (len :: Num) a where
    Nil :: List Z a
    Cons :: a -> List l a -> List (S l) a

deriving instance Show a => Show (List len a)

5. Use constraints

Let’s get back to the first example. The type signature of head was this.

head :: List (S l) a -> a

This type signature doesn’t directly state its restriction of “if the list is not empty.” How we can write this restriction directly? If it’s “if the list is empty,” we can write it like this by making it a constraint.

head :: l ~ Z => List l a -> a

Unfortunately, there is no /~ operator which means that the type is different. But we introduce it by ourselves using TypeFamilies.

{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds,
             TypeFamilies #-}

import Prelude (Bool(True, False), Show)

data Num = Z | S Num

data List len a where
    Nil :: List Z a
    Cons :: a -> List l a -> List (S l) a

deriving instance Show a => Show (List len a)

type family NotZ (len :: Num) :: Bool where
    NotZ Z = False
    NotZ (S n) = True

head :: NotZ l ~ True => List l a -> a
head (Cons a _) = a

Since we enabled DataKinds extension, there is Bool kind, True and False types, as we saw in the previous sections. NotZ type family becomes True when it’s applied to S, and False it’s applied to Z.

This new type signature for head states that it can be applied to a list whose length satisfies NotZ l ~ True.

6. Use ConstraintKinds

It’s not clear enough what NotZ l ~ True means. When you enable ConstraintKinds extension, you can declare a type whose kind is Constraint, which can be placed at the left side of => in type signatures.

The above example can be written as follows when you enable ConstraintKinds.

type NotZero a = NotZ a ~ True

head :: NotZero l => List l a -> a
head (Cons a _) = a

It became much clearer that head can be applied to a list whose length isn’t zero. If you would really like to make a constraint look directly applied to a list type, you could also write something like the following.

{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds,
             TypeFamilies #-}

import Prelude (Bool(True, False), Show)

data Num = Z | S Num

data List len a where
    Nil :: List Z a
    Cons :: a -> List l a -> List (S l) a

deriving instance Show a => Show (List len a)

type family NotEmpty' (list :: Num -> * -> *) (l :: Num) :: Bool where
    NotEmpty' list Z = False
    NotEmpty' list (S n) = True

type NotEmpty list len = NotEmpty' list len ~ True

head :: NotEmpty List l => List l a -> a
head (Cons a _) = a