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Type-safe list with GHC.TypeLits

In the previous post, I’ve defined a type-safe list using Peano numbers, but with GHC.TypeLits, you don’t need to define your own type level numbers.

In short, when you import GHC.TypeLits, it defines Nat kind and types like 0, 1, 2, 3, and so on. It also defines operators such as +, -, etc that work on the types. Note that these are types and type operators, not values and operators.

Now, we can write a type-safe list like this. To use these features, you need to enable DataKinds and TypeOperators extensions.

{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds,
             TypeOperators #-}

import GHC.TypeLits (Nat, type(+), type(-), type( List l a -> List (l + 1) a

deriving instance Show a => Show (List len a)

head :: (1  List len a -> a
head (Cons a _) = a

But when you define tail, you’ll find that it doesn’t type-check with an error.

tail :: (1  List len a -> List (len - 1) a
tail (Cons _ r) = r

    Could not deduce (l ~ (len - 1))
    from the context (1  List len a -> List (len - 1) a
      at l5.hs:21:9-52
    or from (len ~ (l + 1))
      bound by a pattern with constructor
                 Cons :: forall a (l :: Nat). a -> List l a -> List (l + 1) a,
               in an equation for ‘tail’
      at l5.hs:22:7-14
      ‘l’ is a rigid type variable bound by
          a pattern with constructor
            Cons :: forall a (l :: Nat). a -> List l a -> List (l + 1) a,
          in an equation for ‘tail’
          at l5.hs:22:7
    Expected type: List (len - 1) a
      Actual type: List l a
    Relevant bindings include
      r :: List l a (bound at l5.hs:22:14)
      tail :: List len a -> List (len - 1) a (bound at l5.hs:22:1)
    In the expression: r
    In an equation for ‘tail’: tail (Cons _ r) = r

This is because GHC 7.8 is not smart enough to understand that (len + 1) - 1 == len. Good news is that GHC 7.10 will support this.

Meanwhile, we have to use unsafeCoerce to have GHC know that these types are the same.

tail :: (1  List len a -> List (len - 1) a
tail (Cons _ r) = unsafeCoerce r