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Function returning some types

In the previous two posts (part 1 and part 2), we discussed how we can define functions taking some types. Now, we’re going to think about functions returning some types.

First, let’s define S and X. They’re identical to S and X in the previous posts.

{-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes,
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wincomplete-patterns #-}

import Data.Kind
    ( Constraint
    , Type
import Data.Singletons.Prelude (Elem)
import Data.Singletons.Sigma
    ( Sigma((:&:))
    , projSigma2
import Data.Singletons.TH
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T

singletons [d|
    data S = S1 | S2 | S3 | S4 deriving (Show, Eq)

data X (s :: S) where
    X1 :: X 'S1
    X2 :: Int -> X 'S2
    X3 :: Text -> X 'S3
    X4 :: Float -> X 'S4

deriving instance Show (X s)

Now we’re going to define functions that returns X 'S2 or X 'S3. Obviously, the simplest approach would be using Either.

f1 :: Bool -> X 'S1 -> Either (X 'S2) (X 'S3)
f1 True x = Left $ X2 2
f1 False x = Right $ X3 "3"

c1 :: Text
c1 = case f1 True X1 of
         Left (X2 n) -> T.pack $ show n
         Right (X3 t) -> t

The problem of using Either is that we need to nest Eithers or define a new sum type when a function returns more than two types.

Another option would be returning Sigma S (TyCon X). Sigma is an existential type indexed by a singleton. You can think it as a generic version of SomeX in the previous post. Just like you used SomeX SS2 (X2 2) to express X2 2 in an existential type, you can use SS2 :&: X2 2.

Using Sigma S (TyCon S), you can write f2 like this.

f2 :: Bool -> X 'S1 -> Sigma S (TyCon X)
f2 True x = SS2 :&: X2 2
f2 False x = SS3 :&: X3 "3"

c2 :: Text
c2 = projSigma2 p $ f2 True X1
    p :: X s -> Text
    p X1 = undefined
    p (X2 n) = T.pack $ show n
    p (X3 t) = t
    p (X4 _) = undefined

As you can see, the problem is that this doesn’t express the idea that f2 only returns X 'S2 or X 'S3, but never returns X 'S1 nor X 'S4. So you need to pattern match on all constructors of X when you call it.

How about wrapping them by another data type indexed by the same S to indicate that the function only return X 'S2 or X 'S3?

data F3 :: S -> Type where
    F32 :: X 'S2 -> F3 'S2
    F33 :: X 'S3 -> F3 'S3

data F3Sym0 :: S ~> Type
type instance Apply F3Sym0 x = F3 x

f3 :: Bool -> X 'S1 -> Sigma S F3Sym0
f3 True x = SS2 :&: F32 (X2 2)
f3 False x = SS3 :&: F33 (X3 "3")

c3 :: Text
c3 = projSigma2 p $ f3 True X1
    p :: F3 s -> Text
    p (F32 (X2 n)) = T.pack $ show n
    p (F33 (X3 t)) = t

This works, but we have to update F3 and we always need to unwrap F3 explicitly when you call f3. I don’t think this is better than defining a sum type and directly returning it.

Okay, then what we need is an existential type like Sigma, but has a constraint on its index type. Let’s define such type SigmaP.

data SigmaP (s :: Type) (p :: s ~> Constraint) (t :: s ~> Type) where
    (:&?:) :: (p @@ fst) => Sing (fst :: s) -> t @@ fst -> SigmaP s p t

projSigmaP2 :: forall s p t r. (forall (fst :: s). p @@ fst => (t @@ fst) -> r) -> SigmaP s p t -> r
projSigmaP2 f ((_ :: Sing (fst :: s)) :&?: b) = f @fst b

Now, you can create a type function F4 to generate a constraint and use it with SigmaP.

type family F4 (x :: S) :: Constraint where
    F4 S2 = ()
    F4 S3 = ()
    F4 _ = ('True ~ 'False)

data F4Sym0 :: S ~> Constraint
type instance Apply F4Sym0 x = F4 x

f4 :: Bool -> X 'S1 -> SigmaP S F4Sym0 (TyCon X)
f4 True x = SS2 :&?: X2 2
f4 False x = SS3 :&?: X3 "3"

c4 :: Text
c4 = projSigmaP2 p $ f4 True X1
    p :: F4 s => X s -> Text
    p (X2 n) = T.pack $ show n
    p (X3 t) = t

It’s got better, but we still need to define F4. How can I avoid this? One of the ideas is generating a constraint from a list of types.

type family OneOf l t :: Constraint where
    OneOf l t = If (Elem t l) (() :: Constraint) ('True ~ 'False)

data OneOfSym0 :: l ~> t ~> Constraint
type instance Apply OneOfSym0 x = OneOfSym1 x
data OneOfSym1 :: l -> t ~> Constraint
type instance Apply (OneOfSym1 l) t = OneOf l t
type OneOfSym2 l t = OneOf l t

OneOf generates a valid constraint only when its second argument is included in the first argument. Note that we need to generate OneOfSym0, OneOfSym1 and OneOfSym2 so that we can pass them to SigmaP as a defunctionalized symbol. You can manually define them like this, or you can let singletons generate them.

genDefunSymbols [''OneOf]

Anyway, armed with SigmaP and OneOf, you can write f5.

f5 :: Bool -> X 'S1 -> SigmaP S (OneOfSym1 '[ 'S2, 'S3 ]) (TyCon X)
f5 True x = SS2 :&?: X2 2
f5 False x = SS3 :&?: X3 "3"

c5 :: Text
c5 = projSigmaP2 p $ f5 True X1
    p :: OneOf '[ 'S2, 'S3 ] s => X s -> Text
    p (X2 n) = T.pack $ show n
    p (X3 t) = t

If you think combining SigmaP and OneOf is too much, you can write SigmaL which directly generates a constraint from a list of types.

data SigmaL (l :: [s :: Type]) (t :: s ~> Type) where
    (:&!:) :: OneOf l fst => Sing (fst :: s) -> t @@ fst -> SigmaL l t

projSigmaL2 :: forall s (l :: [s]) t r. (forall (fst :: s). OneOf l fst => (t @@ fst) -> r) -> SigmaL l t -> r
projSigmaL2 f ((_ :: Sing (fst :: s)) :&!: b) = f @fst b

f6 :: Bool -> X 'S1 -> SigmaL '[ 'S2, 'S3 ] (TyCon X)
f6 True x = SS2 :&!: X2 2
f6 False x = SS3 :&!: X3 "3"

c6 :: Text
c6 = projSigmaL2 p $ f6 True X1
    p :: OneOf '[ 'S2, 'S3 ] s => X s -> Text
    p (X2 n) = T.pack $ show n
    p (X3 t) = t