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Implementing Maybe using dependent types in Idris

In Implementing Maybe using dependent types, we implemented Maybe using dependent types in Haskell. Now, let’s try it in Idris.

Since Idris supports dependent types, it should be much easier.

The data type declarations are pretty much similar, but we don’t need to promote types to kinds nor generate singleton types. We can just use types.

import Data.String

data O = S | N

data Optional : O -> Type -> Type where
    Some : a -> Optional S a
    None : Optional N a

The implementation of textToInt is very similar, too. But its type declaration is much simpler because we don’t need defunctionalized symbols.

Also, we don’t need to specify the first component of DPair as the complier can infer it.

textToInt : String -> (o ** Optional o Int)
textToInt s = case parseInteger {a=Int} s of
                Just n => (_ ** Some n)
                Nothing => (_ ** None)

The implementation of addText is straightforward.

addText : Int -> String -> (o ** Optional o Int)
addText n s = case textToInt s of
                (_ ** Some m) => (_ ** Some (n + m))
                (_ ** None) => (_ ** None)

In the Haskell version, we used mapSigma to map functions over a dependent pair (Sigma). Let’s write mapSigma in Idris, then. Its implementation and type are almost identical to mapSigma.

mapDPair : (f : a -> b) -> ({x : a} -> p x -> q (f x)) -> DPair a p -> DPair b q
mapDPair f g (o ** x) = (f o ** g x)

Now, armed with mapDPair, you can write addText' like this.

addText' : Int -> String -> (o ** Optional o Int)
addText' n s = mapDPair id f $ textToInt s
    f : Optional o Int -> Optional o Int
    f (Some m) = Some $ n + m
    f None = None

Of course, by making Optional an instance of Functor, you can use it as well.

implementation Functor (Optional o) where
    map f (Some n) = Some (f n)
    map _ None = None

addText'' : Int -> String -> (o ** Optional o Int)
addText'' n s = mapDPair id (map (+ n)) $ textToInt s

It’s very nice that we don’t need to add lots of type annotations to them unlike Haskell and singletons.