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Monoid of functors

As we saw in the previous post, a function from a to a forms a monoid with respect to their composition and an identity function. Then, what we can do with a functor?

{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances,

import Data.Functor.Compose (Compose(Compose))
import Data.Functor.Identity (Identity(Identity))
import Data.Kind (Type)
import Data.Monoid (Endo(Endo))

First, let’s revisit the monoid instance of Endo. But this time, we define our monoid class.

class Monoid' a where
    mu :: (a, a) -> a
    eta :: () -> a

This class expresses the same idea as the standard Monoid. mu is an uncurried version of mappend, and eta is a function version of mempty. You can implement an instance for Endo easily.

instance Monoid' (Endo a) where
    mu (Endo f, Endo g) = Endo $ f . g
    eta () = Endo id

Actually, we don’t necessarily use a tuple and a unit, but can use some kind of product and its unit if they satisfy certain laws, such as the product is a bifunctor. You can find more details at From Monoids to Monads, and Monads Categorically. I’ll skip these details in this article, but focus on get some intuitions from the code.

So, let’s factor out these types using type families.

class Monoid'' a where
    type Product'' a
    type Unit'' a
    mu' :: Product'' a -> a
    eta' :: Unit'' a -> a

instance Monoid'' (Endo a) where
    type Product'' (Endo a) = (Endo a, Endo a)
    type Unit'' (Endo a) = ()
    mu' (Endo f, Endo g) = Endo $ f . g
    eta' () = Endo id

Then, now we’re going to define a class for functors.

class MonoidF' f where
    type ProductF' (f :: Type -> Type) :: Type -> Type
    type UnitF' f :: Type -> Type
    muF' :: ProductF' f a -> f a
    etaF' :: UnitF' f a -> f a

This looks very similar to Monoid'' except that it’s for functors. By introducing an operator (~>), they can look even similar.

type f ~> g = forall a. f a -> g a

class MonoidF'' f where
    type ProductF'' (f :: Type -> Type) :: Type -> Type
    type UnitF'' f :: Type -> Type
    muF'' :: ProductF'' f ~> f
    etaF'' :: UnitF'' f ~> f

You can write instances of this class for, for example, Maybe, (->) r, and (,) w.

instance MonoidF'' Maybe where
    type ProductF'' Maybe = Compose Maybe Maybe
    type UnitF'' Maybe = Identity
    muF'' (Compose (Just (Just x))) = Just x
    muF'' _ = Nothing
    etaF'' (Identity x) = Just x

instance MonoidF'' ((->) r) where
    type ProductF'' ((->) r) = Compose ((->) r) ((->) r)
    type UnitF'' ((->) r) = Identity
    muF'' (Compose f) e = f e e
    etaF'' (Identity x) = const x

instance Monoid w => MonoidF'' ((,) w) where
    type ProductF'' ((,) w) = Compose ((,) w) ((,) w)
    type UnitF'' ((,) w) = Identity
    muF'' (Compose (w2, (w1, x))) = (w1  w2, x)
    etaF'' (Identity x) = (mempty, x)

These functors form a monoid with respect to their composition and an identity functor just like Endo forms a monoid.

As you may have noticed, it’s identical to a monad. Let’s define our monad class.

class Monad' f where
    join' :: f (f a) -> f a
    pure' :: a -> f a

Instead of defining it with (>>=) and pure, I defined it with join and pure because it’s easier to write. You can write an instance of this class for functors that are an instance of MonoidF''.

instance (MonoidF'' f, ProductF'' f ~ Compose f f, UnitF'' f ~ Identity) => Monad' f where
    join' = muF'' . Compose
    pure' = etaF'' . Identity

So you can think that a functor is a monad if its composition forms a monoid with respect to its composition and an identity functor.

Note that you can implement the standard Applicative and Monad like this.

instance (Functor f, MonoidF'' f, ProductF'' f ~ Compose f f, UnitF'' f ~ Identity) => Applicative f where
    (<*>) f m = muF'' $ Compose $ fmap (\f' -> muF'' $ Compose $ fmap (pure . f') m) f
    pure = etaF'' . Identity

instance (Functor f, MonoidF'' f, ProductF'' f ~ Compose f f, UnitF'' f ~ Identity) => Monad f where
    (>>=) m f = muF'' $ Compose $ fmap f m