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Type of optics, part 4

We’ve seen Getter, Fold, Setter and Traversal. Let’s see a prism at the end. A prism is an optic that allows you to get zero or one value, but always allows you to set a value. In this sense, you can think it as one of Traversals.

Let’s start with a prism as Traversal. The fundamental operations is to get a from s which can fail, and build t from b.

type Prism1 s t a b = forall f. Applicative f => (a -> f b) -> (s -> f t)

prism1 :: (s -> Either t a) -> (b -> t) -> Prism1 s t a b
prism1 sa bt = \afb -> \s ->
  case sa s of
    Left t -> pure t
    Right a ->
      let fb = afb a
       in fmap bt fb

This is straightforward. Let’s transform it a bit.

prism1' sa bt = \afb -> \s -> either pure (fmap bt . afb) (sa s)
prism1'' sa bt = \afb -> either pure (fmap bt . afb) . sa
prism1''' sa bt = \afb -> (either pure (fmap bt) . fmap afb) . sa
prism1'''' sa bt = \afb -> either pure (fmap bt) . fmap afb . sa
prism1''''' sa bt = \afb -> dimap sa (either pure (fmap bt)) (fmap afb)
prism1'''''' sa bt = dimap sa (either pure (fmap bt)) . fmap

We transformed an explicit case to either, then transformed function compositions to dimap of Profunctor.

Even though a prism created by this function works as Traversal, we cannot review it. We need to get b -> t out of a prism to do that.

Let’s make the type signature a bit more generic. By replacing the last fmap with right', we can make its type more generic with Profunctor and Choice. Note that in the Choice instance for (->), right' is identical to fmap.

type Prism2 s t a b = forall p f. (Profunctor p, Choice p, Applicative f) => p a (f b) -> p s (f t)

prism2 :: (s -> Either t a) -> (b -> t) -> Prism2 s t a b
prism2 sa bt = dimap sa (either pure (fmap bt)) . right'

To get b -> t from Prism2, we’ll instantiate a prism with Tagged and Identity.

type APrism2 s t a b = Tagged a (Identity b) -> Tagged s (Identity t)

review2 :: APrism2 s t a b -> b -> t
review2 prism = \b ->
  let pafb = Tagged $ Identity b
      psft = prism pafb
      t = runIdentity $ unTagged psft
   in t

In Tagged a b, a is a phantom type, and its Profunctor instance ignores the first component in dimap. It’s like fmap for Const a ignoring its component.

instance Profunctor Tagged where
  dimap _ f (Tagged s) = Tagged (f s)

instance Functor (Const a) where
  fmap _ (Const a) = Const a

This makes it possible for review2 to ignore sa part in prism2 and extract bt from it.

To put them together, we’ll get prism to create a prism and review action.

type Prism s t a b = forall p f. (Profunctor p, Choice p, Applicative f) => p a (f b) -> p s (f t)

type APrism s t a b = Tagged a (Identity b) -> Tagged s (Identity t)

prism :: (s -> Either t a) -> (b -> t) -> Prism s t a b
prism sa bt = dimap sa (either pure (fmap bt)) . right'

review :: APrism s t a b -> b -> t
review prism = runIdentity . unTagged . prism . Tagged . Identity