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Importing a function to wasm

This time, we’re going to see how you can import a function from somewhere in wasm.

  (import "env" "log" (func $log (param i32)))
  (func $print (param $n i32)
    local.get $n
    call $log
  (export "print" (func $print))

This module imports a function to log a number, and exports a function to print a number using it. To import a function, you can use import by specifying namespaces (env and log) and its types. This time, it takes i32 and returns nothing.

You’ll push an argument to the stack and use call to call this function.

When you name this file print.wbt and run wbt2wasm print.wbt, you’ll get print.wasm.

Now, how can you pass this log function? This time, I’ll invoke print from JavaScript by passing console.log as this imported function.

import { readFile } from 'fs/promises';

const wasm = await readFile('print.wasm');
const module = await WebAssembly.instantiate(
    env: {
      log: console.log,
const print = module.instance.exports.print;

As you can see, you can pass an object containing a function to WebAssembly.instantiate. print.wasm can access it by importing them by its name. This time, it’s env and log.

Saving this as import.mjs and running node import.mjs will print 13.