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Type of optics, part 1

When you use one of the optic libraries such as lens, or lens-family, you should’ve known that they used lots of types in the form of (a -> f b) -> (s -> f t) or even more general p a (f b) -> p s (f t). Optics use these types so that they compose well, but it’s hard to find where they came from at first. In this series, I’m going to learn where these types came from.

First of all, it’d help us to think that there are two kinds of types. The first kind is generic types. For example, in lens, you’ll see types like this.

type Getter s a = forall f. (Contravariant f, Functor f) => (a -> f a) -> s -> f s

The second kind is concrete types. For example, there is Getting (also called AGetter) like this.

type Getting r s a = (a -> Const r a) -> s -> Const r s

As you can see, Getter uses generic f while Getting uses concrete Const as a functor.

Let’s see how we use optics to understand this. We use them like these.

view _1 (1, 2) -- 1
set _1 'x' (1, 2) -- ('x', 2)

We call _1 an optic, view and set actions, (1, 2) a structure, and 1 a focus. So an optic puts a focus on something in the structure, and an action does something on it. For example, _1 puts a focus on the first value in a pair (1, 2), and view gets the value itself. _1 puts a focus on the first value in a pair (1, 2), and set sets another value there, and so on.

We usually use s and t for types of structures, and a and b for types of focuses.

The basic principle here is that we use a generic type for an optic, but an action applies a concrete type to it. When you see a generic type such as Getter, you can think its a type of an optic itself. When you see a concrete type such as Getting, you can think it appears in parameters of an action.

You can see this by checking these types.

_1 :: Getter (a, b) a
view :: Getting a s a -> s -> a

Okay, now, let’s start with the simplest one, a getter.

A getter is an optic to get a value of a focus from a structure. You can build this type of an optic from a function from s to a. For example, you can build a getter _1 that focuses the first element of a pair from fst. Let’s think about what type it’ll be.

First, we’ll convert a function s -> a to a different form. If you can get a from s, you can say that you can get a function s -> r for some r by passing a function a -> r. So the first version will be this one

to0 :: (s -> a) -> ((a -> r) -> (s -> r))
to0 get = \ar -> \s ->
  let a = get s
      r = ar a
   in r

Now, as Const r a is isomorphic to r (because its value Const r only carries a value of r), you can expand the type above to (s -> a) -> ((a -> Const r b) -> (s -> Const r t)). As you’ve already noticed, the right hand side is now in the form of (a -> f b) -> (s -> f t).

The implementation will be very similar to to0, but it extracts a value from Const r b and packs it again in Const r t.

type Getter1 r s t a b = (a -> Const r b) -> (s -> Const r t)

to1 :: (s -> a) -> Getter1 r s t a b
to1 get = \afb -> \s ->
  let a = get s
      Const r = afb a
   in Const r

With Getter1, we can write the first version of view which extracts the original get from this getter.

view1 :: Getter1 a s t a b -> (s -> a)
view1 getter = \s ->
  let afb a = Const a
      sft = getter afb
      Const a = sft s
   in a

From here, let’s make the type of to more generic. The first thing we’ll do is using constraints (Functor f, Contravariant f) instead of using Const. The constraints (Functor f, Contravariant f) means it’s a both covariant and contravariant functor. This can be possible only when fmap and contramap does nothing, so it means f is isomorphic to Const r.

instance Functor (Const r) where
  fmap _ (Const r) = Const r

instance Contravariant (Const r) where
  contramap _ (Const r) = Const r

As you can see, calling fmap or contramap on Const r doesn’t change its value, but only changes its type. Let’s see how the implementation will be.

type Getter2 r s t a b = forall f. (Functor f, Contravariant f) => (a -> f b) -> (s -> f t)

to2 :: (s -> a) -> Getter2 r s t a b
to2 get = \afb -> \s ->
  let a = get s
      fb = afb a
   in () <$ fb $< ()

What’s this () <$ fb $< ()? You’ll get (contramap (const ()) . fmap (const ())) fb when you expand this. The type of fb is f b for arbitrary b, and we want to convert it to f t for arbitrary t.

The type of fmap (const ()) is Functor f => f a -> f (), so by applying fmap (const ()) to fb, you’ll get a value of type f ().

Next, the type of contramap (const ()) is Contravariant f => f () -> f a. By applying contramap (const ()) to it, you’ll get a value of type f t for arbitrary t.

As we saw above, applying fmap and contramap to a functor that is isomorphic to Const r doesn’t change its value. So this () <$ fb $< () is a fancy way of converting Const r b to Const r t without changing its value.

Now, we can simplify this a bit by removing unnecessary type variables r, b and t. This is because you’ll use a getter only to get a value of a from s.

type Getter3 s a = forall f. (Functor f, Contravariant f) => (a -> f a) -> (s -> f s)

to3 :: (s -> a) -> Getter3 s a
to3 get = \afb -> \s ->
  let a = get s
      fb = afb a
   in () <$ fb $< ()

When you think this from a bit different perspective, you can see that we are now converting a -> f a (afa) to s -> f s, and we have s -> a (get) in our hand. When we compose get and afa, you’ll get afa . get :: s -> f a. Also, you’ll find that the type of contramap get is f a -> f s. So you can compose it as well to get contramap get . afa . get :: s -> f s.

to3' :: (s -> a) -> Getter3 s a
to3' get = \afa -> contramap get . afa . get

This can be further generalized to Profunctor. You can think a Profunctor a b a generalized function type a -> b. In to3', we apply get to an input of the function afa, and apply contramap get to its output. We can express this using dimap.

type Getter4 s a = forall p f. (Profunctor p, Functor f, Contravariant f) => p a (f a) -> p s (f s)

to4 :: (s -> a) -> Getter4 s a
to4 get = \pafa -> dimap get (contramap get) pafa

This is one of the most generalized forms of a getter and to function that builds a getter.

Let’s get back to view action now. We use Getter1 when we defined view1, but we can no longer use Getter4 because it was generalized. We need to define Getting separately.

type Getting2 s a = (a -> Const a a) -> (s -> Const a s)

view2:: Getting2 s a -> (s -> a)
view2 getter = getConst . getter Const

Now that we’ve defined Getter, Getting and to which creates a getter from a function s -> a, let’s see what we can do with a function s -> [a] next.

We have a function getList :: s -> [a], and try to create a getter. We need to get a from [a] somehow. The simplest way is to use mconcat assuming a is an instance of Monoid.

list1 :: Monoid a => (s -> [a]) -> Getter1 a s t a b
list1 getList = \afb -> \s ->
  let la = getList s
      fb = afb (mconcat la)
      Const a = fb
   in Const a

We’ll use a bit of trick here. We’ll take advantage of the fact that Const accumulates values when you traverse a list with it. For example, traverse_ Const ["a", "b", "c] will be Const "abc".

By applying this trick to list1, we’ll get this list1'.

list1' :: forall s t a (b :: Type). Monoid a => (s -> [a]) -> Getter1 a s t a b
list1' getList = \afb -> \s ->
  let la = getList s
      fb = traverse_ afb la
      Const a = fb
   in Const a

Note that because Const is poly-kinded, we need forall s t a (b :: Type) to make it clear that b is a type, but you can ignore its detail for now.

Okay, let’s try making this more generic.

First, let’s generalize list1' and use Foldable instead of a list. In list1', we use a function s -> [a], but we should be able to generalize it to s -> g a for any Foldable g now that we use traverse_ to traverse a container.

type Fold1 s t a b = (a -> Const a b) -> (s -> Const a t)

folding1 :: forall g s t a (b :: Type). (Foldable g, Monoid a) => (s -> g a) -> Fold1 s t a b
folding1 fold = \afb -> \s ->
  let ga = fold s
      fb = traverse_ afb ga
      Const a = fb
   in Const a

As we did with to, we’ll generalize this from Const to a generic functor with some constraints. The first step is removing unused type variables.

type Fold2 s a = (a -> Const a a) -> (s -> Const a s)

folding2 :: forall g s a. (Foldable g, Monoid a) => (s -> g a) -> Fold2 s a
folding2 fold = \afb -> \s ->
  let ga = fold s
      fb = traverse_ afb ga
      Const a = fb
   in Const a

Then, stop depending directly on Const.

type Fold3 s a = forall f. (Functor f, Contravariant f, Applicative f) => (a -> f a) -> (s -> f s)

folding3 :: Foldable g => (s -> g a) -> Fold3 s a
folding3 fold = \afb -> \s ->
  let ga = fold s
      fb = traverse_ afb ga
   in fb $< ()

We need Applicative f in addition to Functor f and Contravariant f because we pass afb to traverse_. Also, since fb is already f (), we can apply $< (contramap (const ())) to convert it to f s for arbitrary s.

Now that we have folding, let’s see the type of views. views is very similar to view, but it takes a function to convert each focused value to another value. Since views is an action, it’ll take an optic with a concrete type.

type Folding2 r s a = (a -> Const r a) -> (s -> Const r s)

views2 :: Folding2 r s a -> (a -> r) -> s -> r
views2 fold f s =
  let afa a = Const (f a)
      sfs = fold afa s
      Const r = sfs
   in r

You can shorten it by composing these functions.

views2' :: Folding2 r s a -> (a -> r) -> s -> r
views2' fold f = getConst . fold (Const . f)

You’ll find they’re very similar when you compare Folding2 with Getting2. Getting2 s a is identical to Folding2 a s a. So let’s put them together to get Getting3, and define view3 and views3 in terms of Getting3.

type Getting3 r s a = (a -> Const r a) -> (s -> Const r s)

view3 :: Getting3 a s a -> s -> a
view3 getter = getConst . getter Const

views3 :: Getting3 r s a -> (a -> r) -> s -> r
views3 fold f = getConst . fold (Const . f)

As you can see, view3 and views3 are very similar. The only difference is that the latter takes a function a -> r to concatenate values in another form of Monoid.

For example, you’ll gather all the focused values as a list.

toListOf3 :: Getting3 [a] s a -> s -> [a]
toListOf3 fold = views3 fold pure

This works well, but you can make it more efficient by using Data.Monoid.Endo as I wrote in When do you use Data.Monoid.Endo?.

toListOf3' :: Getting3 (Endo [a]) s a -> s -> [a]
toListOf3' fold s = appEndo (views3 fold (Endo . (:)) s) []

Also, you can implement preview to get the first item if available with Data.Monoid.First.

preview3 :: Getting3 (First a) s a -> s -> Maybe a
preview3 fold s = getFirst (views3 fold (First . pure) s)

By putting them together, we’ll have these types and functions.

type Getter s a = forall p f. (Profunctor p, Functor f, Contravariant f) => p a (f a) -> p s (f s)

type Fold s a = forall f. (Functor f, Contravariant f, Applicative f) => (a -> f a) -> (s -> f s)

type Getting r s a = (a -> Const r a) -> (s -> Const r s)

to :: (s -> a) -> Getter s a
to get = dimap get (contramap get)

folding :: Foldable g => (s -> g a) -> Fold s a
folding fold afb s = traverse_ afb (fold s) $< ()

view :: Getting a s a -> s -> a
view getter = getConst . getter Const

views :: Getting r s a -> (a -> r) -> s -> r
views fold f = getConst . fold (Const . f)

preview :: Getting3 (First a) s a -> s -> Maybe a
preview fold s = getFirst (views fold (First . pure) s)

toListOf :: Getting (Endo [a]) s a -> s -> [a]
toListOf fold s = appEndo (views fold (Endo . (:)) s) []

Getter and Fold are types of optics themselves, and Getting is a type for actions that take an optic of type Getter and Fold (there are actually more types though).