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Products and functions

A product (,) and a function (->) can be functors by fixing their first argument, like (,) e and (->) e. For instance, fmap (+1) ('a', 10) is ('a', 11), and fmap (+1) (+10) is (+11).

When you compose two functors, you get another functor. You can use Data.Functor.Compose to express a composition of functors.

For example, when you compose two product functors, you’ll get Compose ((,) a) ((,) b). If you apply it to Int, you’ll get Compose ((,) a) ((,) b) Int which can be expanded to (a, (b, Int)). getCompose $ fmap (+1) (Compose ('a', (True, 10))) becomes ('a', (True, 11)).

The same goes for functions. Compose ((->) a) ((->) b) c is expanded to a -> (b -> c). So (getCompose $ fmap (+1) (Compose (\a b -> a * b))) 5 10 is 51.

Now, let’s try composing a product and a function. There are two ways to compose them. The first one is Compose ((->) a) ((,) b) and the second one is Compose ((,) a) ((->) b). To make it simpler, let’s think only about when a and b are the same type; Compose ((->) e) ((,) e) and Compose ((,) e) ((->) e).

When you use a as a functor’s contained type, the first one is Compose ((->) e) ((,) e) a which is expanded to e -> (e, a). Applying the same to the second one results in Compose ((,) e) ((->) e) a which is expanded to (e, e -> a).

Imagine you have a, and you want to get the first one, e -> (e, a), what you need is a function of type a -> e -> (e, a). When you have the second one, (e, e -> a), and you want to get a, you need a function of type (e, e -> a) -> a.

Implementing these functions is trivial. The first one is this function.

unit' :: a -> e -> (e, a)
unit' a e = (e, a)

The second one is this function.

counit' :: (e, e -> a) -> a
counit' (e, f) = f e

When you remember that they’re compositions of a product functor and a function functor, you can write them like this.

unit :: a -> Compose ((->) e) ((,) e) a
unit a = Compose (\e -> (e, a))

counit :: Compose ((,) e) ((->) e) a -> a
counit (Compose (e, f)) = f e

Putting them together, we can say these things.

  1. When you have a, first apply (,) e, then apply (->) e to get Compose ((->) e) ((,) e) a. You can get the same result by applying unit to a.
  2. When you have a, first apply (->) e, then (,) e, and apply counit to the result to get a back.

You can say that we have two circles now.

Okay, then, let’s give another relationship between a product and a function a look. They’re curry and uncurry.

curry :: ((a, b) -> c) -> (a -> b -> c)
curry f a b = f (a, b)

uncurry :: (a -> b -> c) -> ((a, b) -> c)
uncurry f (a, b) = f a b

When you flip the first argument of f in curry, you can get this type.

curry' :: ((b, a) -> c) -> (a -> b -> c)
curry' f a b = f (b, a)

which can be expanded to

curry'' :: (((,) b) a -> c) -> (a -> ((->) b) c)
curry'' f a b = f (b, a)

(,) b is a product functor and ((->) b) is a function functor. So you can think this is a relationship between them.

The same goes for uncurry. When you expand it, you’ll get this type.

uncurry' :: (a -> b -> c) -> ((b, a) -> c)
uncurry' f (b, a) = f a b

uncurry'' :: (a -> ((->) b) c) -> (((,) b) a -> c)
uncurry'' f (b, a) = f a b

Again, we found another relationship between a product functor and a function functor.

But wait, they are actually the same relationship. Let’s see how we can find it. First, let’s check the type of curry'' id. When you replace c in a -> b -> c with (b, a), you’ll get this.

curry'' id :: a -> b -> (b, a)

This type is identical to the type of unit' above.

Let’s do the same with uncurry''. When you replace a in ((b, a) -> c) with b -> c, you’ll get this.

uncurry'' id :: (b, b -> c) -> c

This type is identical to the type of counit' above.

Is it possible to get them the other way? Like getting curry'' from unit' and uncurry'' from counit'?

The type of the first argument of curry'', named f, is (b, a) -> c. When you lift it to any functor, you can get f (b, a) -> f c, which is the type of fmap f. When you use ((->) e) as a functor, you’ll get ((->) e (b, a)) -> ((->) e c), which is (e -> (b, a)) -> (e -> c).

As you remember, the type of unit' was a -> (e -> (e, a)), so you can compose fmap f with unit' by unifying e with b to get fmap f . unit :: a -> b -> c. This is a return type of curry''.

Next, let’s see what we can do with uncurry''. The type of the first argument of uncurry'', named f, is a -> b -> c. So the type of fmap f is f a -> f (b -> c). Now, use ((,) e) as a functor and you’ll get ((,) e) a -> ((,) e) (b -> c), which is expanded to (e, a) -> (e, b -> c).

The type of counit' was (e, e -> a) -> a, so you can compose fmap f with counit' by unifying e with b to get counit' . fmap f :: (b, a) -> c. This is a return type of uncurry''.

To sum up, we now have these equalities.

curry'' f = fmap f . unit'
uncurry'' f = counit' . fmap f

By putting everything together and working with Compose wrapper, we now have these four relationships.

unit :: a -> Compose ((->) e) ((,) e) a
unit a = Compose (\e -> (e, a))

counit :: Compose ((,) e) ((->) e) a -> a
counit (Compose (e, f)) = f e

curry :: (((,) e) a -> b) -> (a -> ((->) e) b)
curry f a b = f (b, a)

uncurry :: (a -> ((->) e) b) -> (((,) e) a -> b)
uncurry f (b, a) = f a b

And we can say curry id = getCompose . unit, uncurry id = counit . Compose, curry f = fmap f . getCompose . unit and uncurry f = counit . Compose . fmap f.

When you generalize a product functor to any functor f, and a function functor to g, we can write them like this.

unit :: (Functor f, Functor g) => a -> Compose g f a
counit :: (Functor f, Functor g) => Compose f g a -> a
curry :: (Functor f, Functor g) => (f a -> b) -> (a -> g b)
uncurry :: (Functor f, Functor g) => (a -> g b) -> (f a -> b)

By removing Compose newtype, by converting Compose f g a to f (g a), we can get these definitions.

unit :: (Functor f, Functor g) => a -> g (f a)
counit :: (Functor f, Functor g) => f (g a)
curry :: (Functor f, Functor g) => (f a -> b) -> (a -> g b)
uncurry :: (Functor f, Functor g) => (a -> g b) -> (f a -> b)

where curry id = unit, uncurry id = counit, curry f = fmap f . unit and uncurry f = counit . fmap f.

Can we say all combinations of any functors f and g satisfy them? No, we can’t.

A pair of functors that satisfies them is called an adjunction and is expressed with Adjunction type class. curry is called leftAdjunct and uncurry is called rightAdjunct in it.

Here is a slightly simplified version of Adjunction.

class (Functor f, Functor g) => Adjunction f g | f -> g, g -> f where
  unit :: a -> g (f a)
  unit = leftAdjunct id

  counit :: f (g a) -> a
  counit = rightAdjunct id

  leftAdjunct :: (f a -> b) -> (a -> g b)
  leftAdjunct f = fmap f . unit

  rightAdjunct :: (a -> g b) -> (f a -> b)
  rightAdjunct f = counit . fmap f

This pair of functors have interesting characteristics, but in Haskell, we actually don’t have any pairs of functors other than a product and a function that can be an instance of this type class. Identity can be an instance like instance Adjunction Identity Identity, but Identity is same as ((,) ()) and also ((->) ()). So it’s a special case of a product functor and a function functor.