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Memoize with Representable

It’s well-known that a naive implementation of a function to calculate a fibonacci number is slow.

{-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes, TypeFamilies #-}

import Data.Distributive
import Data.Functor.Rep
import Numeric.Natural

fibRec :: Natural -> Integer
fibRec 0 = 0
fibRec 1 = 1
fibRec n = fibRec (n - 1) + fibRec (n - 2)

This fibRec takes a few seconds to calculate the 34th fibonacci number in my local environment.

To improve its performance, let’s cache it in a stream of numbers. First, we need Stream type that contains an infinite number of values.

data Stream a = Stream a (Stream a) deriving (Show, Functor)

atStream :: Stream a -> Natural -> a
atStream (Stream a _) 0 = a
atStream (Stream _ as) n = atStream as (n - 1)

atStream is a function to get a value at a specified index.

Now, we’ll introduce two functions. The first function toStream is a function that converts a function Natural -> a to Stream a.

toStream :: (Natural -> a) -> Stream a
toStream f = fmap f naturals
    naturals = Stream 0 (fmap (+1) naturals)

When you call this function, you’ll get a Stream a backed by your function. When you try to get a value at a specific index, it’ll call your function and return it. But at the same time, it’ll cache the value in itself. It’ll return the cached value when you get a value with the same index later

The second function fromStream does the opposite. It converts a Stream a to Natural -> a.

fromStream :: Stream a -> (Natural -> a)
fromStream = atStream

When you call this function, you’ll get a function Natural -> a, that returns a value at a specified index in your Stream a.

You can convert a function and a stream back and forth now with toStream and fromStream.

Let’s speed up fibRec with toStream.

fibs :: Stream Integer
fibs = toStream fibRec

It’ll still take a few seconds when you call fibs `atStream` 34 first time. But it’ll return a value immediately if you call it one more time. You can even convert back to a function with fromStream.

fibWithStream :: Natural -> Integer
fibWithStream = fromStream fibs

This is great, but it’s still slow at the first time. What can we do? The problem is that when you call fibWithStream 34, it still use fibRec to calculate each fibonacci number. It calculates a fibonacci number for 33 once, 32 twice, 31 three times, 30 five times and so on.

If we can use the stream of fibonacci numbers while calculating these numbers, we should be able to speed it up. So first, let’s modify fibRec a bit by making it take a function to calculate previous fibonacci numbers.

fibF :: (Natural -> Integer) -> (Natural -> Integer)
fibF _ 0 = 0
fibF _ 1 = 1
fibF f n = f (n - 1) + f (n - 2)

You need to pass some function as f to calculate fibonacci numbers. For example, when you pass undefined, this function can calculate fibonacci numbers only for 0 and 1. But when you pass fibF undefined as f, it can calculate fibonacci numbers for 0, 1 and 2. You can repeat it any number of times you want.

fib1, fib2, fib3 :: Natural -> Integer
fib1 = fibF undefined -- Works up to 1
fib2 = fibF (fibF undefined) -- Works up to 2
fib3 = fibF (fibF (fibF undefined)) -- Works up to 3
-- fibN = fibF fibN_1

So how can you define fibN? It’s tricky, but you can define a function that apply a function infinite number of times.

fixFun :: ((Natural -> Integer) -> (Natural -> Integer)) -> (Natural -> Integer)
fixFun f = f (fixFun f) -- f (f (f (f (f (f ...)))))

It’s like you can have an infinite list of numbers in Haskell. The infinite list doesn’t actually contain an infinite number of numbers in it, but it’ll calculate a value when you try to get a value at a specific index. The same goes for fixFun. It can apply the function an infinite number of times, but it’ll stop applying it when you get a result. It’s like fib3 won’t reach undefined when you call fib3 3.

So now, you can define fibFix with fibF and fixFun.

fibFix :: Natural -> Integer
fibFix = fixFun fibF

Note that it’s still slow because it’s identical to fibRec. But now, we can insert a function between each step of the calculation. Let’s insert toStream and fromStream. As we saw, inserting a combination of these functions will cache numbers.

fib1', fib2', fib3' :: Natural -> Integer
fib1' = fibF undefined -- Works up to 1
fib2' = fibF (fromStream (toStream (fibF undefined))) -- Works up to 2
fib3' = fibF (fromStream (toStream (fibF (fromStream (toStream (fibF undefined)))))) -- Works up to 3
-- fibN' = fibF (fromStream . toStream . fibN_1')

When you call fibN' n, it’ll call fibN_1' (n - 1) and fibN_1' (n - 2) through toStream and fromStream. So fromStream . toStream . fibN_1' will cache fibonacci numbers for n - 1 and n - 2. The same goes for fibN_m'. It’ll cache fibonacci numbers for n - m and n - m - 1. When fibN_1' tries to get a fibonacci number for n - 2, it should’ve already cached by fromStream . toStream . fibN_2'. So it can just pick a value from the cache.

You can use fixFun again to build the final function fib.

fib :: Natural -> Integer
fib = fixFun (fromStream . toStream . fibF)

This function is much faster than fibRec and fibWithStream because it caches fibonacci numbers at each layer.

A functor like Stream which can be represented by a function is called a representable functor and expressed by Representable type class. Stream is an instance of it.

instance Representable Stream where
    type Rep Stream = Natural
    tabulate = toStream
    index = fromStream

instance Distributive Stream where
    distribute = distributeRep

Note that I added an instance of Distributive because Representable needs it, but you can ignore it for now.

So tabulate is a function to convert a function to a functor like toStream, and index is a function to convert it back to a function like fromStream.

You can make your functor an instance of Representable if your functor contains a fixed number of values or an infinite number of values. For instance, you can make Identity an instance of Representable. Since Identity is already an instance of Representable, I’ll use Id instead which is identical to Identity.

data Id a = Id a deriving Functor

instance Representable Id where
    type Rep Id = ()
    tabulate f = Id (f ())
    index (Id a) () = a

instance Distributive Id where
    distribute = distributeRep

In this case, the argument of the function Rep Id is () because Identity can only have one value which can be identified by one value ().

When your functor Pair have two values, for example, Rep Pair will be Bool because it can return one value for True and the other value for False.

data Pair a = Pair a a deriving Functor

instance Representable Pair where
    type Rep Pair = Bool
    tabulate f = Pair (f True) (f False)
    index (Pair x y) True = x
    index (Pair x y) False = y

instance Distributive Pair where
    distribute = distributeRep

Of course, you can use a functor other than Stream for a function Natural -> a. For example, you can use a tree instead.

But you cannot make a list ([]) or Maybe an instance of Representable because it can contain different numbers of values.

Anyway, with Representable, you can factor our a function to memoize values from fib. First, let’s make fixFun a bit more generic.

fix :: (a -> a) -> a
fix f = f (fix f)

Now, you can apply fix to any functions other than ((Natural -> Integer) -> (Natural -> Integer)) -> (Natural -> Integer). Using it, let’s factor out a function from fib next. You can use this memoize function to cache values of a function who has any corresponding representable functor.

memoize :: forall f a. Representable f => ((Rep f -> a) -> (Rep f -> a)) -> (Rep f -> a)
memoize g = fix (index . tabulate @f . g)

As index . tabulate can use any intermediate functor, you need to specify which functor it should use by specifying @f.

Finally, you can define fib' in terms of memoize now. Again, you need to specify which functor you want to use. This time, we use Stream by passing @Stream.

fib' :: Natural -> Integer
fib' = memoize @Stream fibF