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Natural isomorphism between Day Identity f and f

In the previous post, we saw what we can do with Data.Functor.Day. Now, let’ see natural isomorphism between Day Identity f and f where f is a functor.

In Haskell, you can say type a and type b are isomorphic when you can write a function f :: a -> b and g :: b -> a where f . g = id and g . f = id.

For example, when you have

data Item idType nameType valueType = Item idType nameType valueType

Item idType nameType valueType is isomorphic to (idType, (nameType, valueType)) where

f :: Item idType nameType valueType -> (idType, (nameType, valueType))
f (Item id name value) = (id, (name, value))

g :: (idType, (nameType, valueType)) -> Item idType nameType valueType
g (id, (name, value)) = Item id name value

The same goes for natural isomorphism. You can say a functor f and g are naturally isomorphic when you can write a function p :: f a -> g a and q :: g a -> f a for any a where p . q = id and q . p = id.

For example, when you have

data Option a = Some a | None

Option (not Option a) is isomorphic to Maybe where

p :: Option a -> Maybe a
p (Some a) = Just a
p None = Nothing

q :: Maybe a -> Option a
q (Just a) = Some a
q Nothing = None

When you introduce ~> type to express natural transformations like this,

type (~>) :: (Type -> Type) -> (Type -> Type) -> Type
type f ~> g = forall a. f a -> g a

you can write types of p and q like these.

p :: Option ~> Maybe
q :: Maybe ~> Option

p and q look more like f and g above now.

So now, I’m wondering whether I can say Day Identity f and f are naturally isomorphic. To say that, we need p :: Day Identity f ~> f and q :: f ~> Day Identity f where p . q = id and q . p = id. Let’s implement them.

p :: Functor f => Day Identity f ~> f
p (Day (Identity b) gc bca) = fmap (bca b) gc

q :: Functor f => f ~> Day Identity f
q fa = Day (Identity ()) fa (flip const)

Can we say p . q = id and q . p = id?

For example, when you have Day (Identity 1) (Just 3) (+) and pass it to p, it’ll be Just 4. Then, passing Just 4 to q will be Day (Identity ()) (Just 4) (flip const). They don’t seem identical.

But as we saw in the previous post, all we can do with these values is applying bca to b and c. When you pick Day (Identity 1) (Just 3) (+) and apply (+) to 1 and 3, you’ll get 4. Also, when you pick Day (Identity ()) (Just 4) (flip const) and apply flip const to () and 4, you’ll get 4. So they’re identical in this sense.

The opposite is simpler. When you apply q to Just 4, you’ll get Day (Identity ()) (Just 4) (flip const). When you apply q to it, you’ll get Just 4. So they’re identical.

The same goes for Day (Identity 1) Nothing (+). Applying p transforms it to Nothing, and applying q results in Day (Identity ()) Nothing (flip const). All we can get from both of them is Nothing even though the latter no longer has 1 in it.

Let’s take one more example with Day (Identity True) ("abc", 'b') (,). When you pass it to p, you’ll get ("abc", (True, 'b')). When you pass it to q, you’ll get Day (Identity ()) ("abc", (True, 'b')) (flip const). Even though they don’t look the same, all we can get from both of them is ("abc", (True, 'b')).

Since Identity cannot add any additional computations, all we can do with Day Identity f a is fmaping bca in f, and getting a no matter whether a is from b or c. It seems that we can say that Day Identity f and f are naturally isomorphic. This becomes important when you think about a monoidal category consists of a category of endofunctors, Day as a tensor product, and Identity as its unit.