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Expressing monoid homomorphisms in Haskell

We saw what the category of monoid is and what are morphisms in it in the previous post. Then, how can we express monoid homomorphisms in Haskell?

{-# LANGUAGE  GHC2024 #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RequiredTypeArguments #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeAbstractions #-}

import Data.Monoid

Since monoid homomorphisms are normal functions, we can express them as a newtype around a function.

newtype MonoidHomomorphism m1 m2 = Hom (m1 -> m2)

Unfortunately, we cannot express the two laws as types, but we can have functions to express them.

preserveIdentity ::
  (Monoid m1, Monoid m2, Eq m2) =>
  MonoidHomomorphism m1 m2 ->
preserveIdentity @m1 @m2 (Hom f) = f (mempty @m1) == mempty @m2

preserveAppend ::
  (Monoid m1, Monoid m2, Eq m2) =>
  MonoidHomomorphism m1 m2 ->
  m1 ->
  m1 ->
preserveAppend (Hom f) a b = f (a <> b) == f a <> f b

For example, when we express a monoid homomorphism from [a] to Sum Int this way,

hom :: MonoidHomomorphism [a] (Sum Int)
hom = Hom (Sum . length)

we can verify these two laws. But unfortunately at runtime.

testPreserveIdentity, testPreserveAppend :: Bool
testPreserveIdentity = preserveIdentity hom
testPreserveAppend = preserveAppend hom ['A', 'B'] ['C', 'D', 'E']

testPreserveIdentity and testPreserveAppend will be True, which indicates that hom satisfies these two laws.

You can also express this with a type class. The basic idea is to have a type class whose method returns MonoidHomomorphism m1 m2, but we can just have a function m1 -> m2 instead by unwrapping this newtype.

class (Monoid m1, Monoid m2) => MonoidHomomorphism' m1 m2 where
  hom' :: m1 -> m2

Instead of having a value of MonoidHomomorphism m1 m2 like hom above, well define an instance of MonoidHomomorphism'.

instance MonoidHomomorphism' [a] (Sum Int) where
  hom' :: [a] -> Sum Int
  hom' = Sum . length

As you can see, hom and hom' are isomorphic.

The laws are expressed as functions as well, but this time, I used visible type applications with RequiredTypeArguments extension. You can do it without RequiredTypeArguments but with AllowAmbiguousTypes and TypeApplications, too.

preserveIdentity' ::
  forall m1 ->
  forall m2 ->
  (MonoidHomomorphism' m1 m2, Eq m2) =>
preserveIdentity' m1 m2 = hom' (mempty @m1) == mempty @m2

preserveAppend' ::
  m1 ->
  m1 ->
  forall m2 ->
  (MonoidHomomorphism' m1 m2, Eq m2) =>
preserveAppend' a b m2 = hom' @_ @m2 (a <> b) == hom' a <> hom' b

Finally, you can test these laws.

testPreserveIdentity', testPreserveAppend' :: Bool
testPreserveIdentity' = preserveIdentity' (type [Char]) (type (Sum Int))
testPreserveAppend' = preserveAppend' ['A', 'B'] ['C', 'D', 'E'] (type (Sum Int))

In addition to it, there is one more important property. It’s a fact that MonoidHomomorphism a b itself is a monoid. This means that we can make it an instance of Monoid (and Semigroup).

instance (Semigroup a, Semigroup b) => Semigroup (MonoidHomomorphism a b) where
  (Hom f) <> (Hom g) = Hom $ \a -> f a <> g a

instance (Monoid a, Monoid b) => Monoid (MonoidHomomorphism a b) where
  mempty = Hom (const mempty)

These instances have Semigroup a, Semigroup b, Monoid a and Monoid b constraints. We actually only use Semigroup b and Monoid b, but I added Semigroup a and Monoid a as well because a and b are an instance of Monoid in the first place. I mean, MonoidHomomorphism a b represents a morphism from monoid a to monoid b.

This doesn’t look interesting at first, but this becomes interesting when we think about applicative functors. The fact that MonoidHomomorphism a b is an instance of Monoid means that MonoidHomomorphism a b is an object in the category of monoid as well as each function of type MonoidHomomorphism a b is a morphism in the same category. It’s like a function of type a -> b is a morphism in Hask while a -> b itself is an object (an exponential) in Hask.