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Monoidal functor and Applicative

In the category of Haskell types Hask, objects are types and morphisms are functions. For instance Int and Bool are objects and functions from Int to Bool are all morphisms. When you look into the inside of Int, you can say that Int is a set whose elements are values 1, 2, 3 and so on.

There are lots of morphisms from Int to Bool, and when you think them as elements of a set, you now get a type Int -> Bool whose elements are these morphisms. This kind of types are called an exponential object. You can say that function types are exponential objects in Hask.

Unfortunately, this definition cannot be applied directly to other categories because it uses elements of a set, which we cannot look into in more general categories.

Instead, we’ll define an exponential object in a bit different way in any monoidal category. In a monoidal category (C, ⊗, I), [A, B] is an exponential object if there exists a natural isomorphism C(X ⊗ A, B) ≅ C(X, [A, B]). But, what does this mean?

Imagine that you have an object A and B in a monoidal category. You’ll pick any object X and create a tensor product X ⊗ A. Then, think about a set of morphisms from X ⊗ A to B. It’s C(X ⊗ A, B). Next, imagine you have an object [A, B]. You’ll pick any object X and think about a set of morphisms from X to [A, B]. It’s C(X, [A, B]). You can say that [A, B] is an exponential object if these two morphisms are isomorphic.

As a side note, a functor that maps B to [A, B] is called an internal hom-functor an denoted as [A, -].

When you apply this to the monoidal category (Hask, (,), ()), X ⊗ A is (X, A), and [A, B] is A -> B. So A -> B is an exponential object if we can say that functions from (X, A) to B are isomorphic to functions from X to A -> B. Indeed, we can say they’re isomorphic by curry and uncurry. Also, a functor (->) A is an internal hom-functor.

A category with this structure is called a monoidal closed category. It’s called a cartesian closed category if its tensor product is a cartesian product and its unit is a terminal object. Since (,) is a cartesian product and () is a terminal object in Hask, we can say that the monoidal category (Hask, (,), ()) is a cartesian closed category.

In the previous post, we saw that a monoidal functor preserving a monoidal structure of (Hask, (,), ()) is equivalent to Applicative. This means that this monoidal functor preserves exponential objects.

What does it mean when you say a functor preserves exponential objects? Imagine you have objects A, B and their exponential object A -> B. When you apply a functor f to A -> B, you’ll get f (A -> B). On the other hand, when you first apply f to A and B you’ll get f A and f B, then get their exponential object f A -> f B. If these two are isomorphic, this functor is said to preserve exponential objects.

As we saw in the previous post, a monoidal functor preserves a monoidal structure, which means you have (f a, f b) -> f (a, b).

Imagine that we have A, B and C in the source category. We know that (A, B) -> C is isomorphic to A -> (B -> C) because the source category is a closed monoidal category.

Since the functor preserves the hom-set isomorphism between (A, B) -> C and A -> (B -> C), we can say that f (A, B) -> f C is isomorphic to f A -> f (B -> C). Also this functor is a monoidal functor, we can say (f A, f B) -> f C is isomorphic to f A -> f (B -> C) by applying (f a, f b) -> f (a, b).

In the target category, which is the same category as the source category, we know that (f A, f B) -> f C is isomorphic to f A -> (f B -> f C) because the target category is also a closed monoidal category.

By putting them together, we can say that f A -> f (B -> C) is isomorphic to f A -> (f B -> f C), which means that f (B -> C) is isomorphic to f B -> f C. Since the functor is actually a lax monoidal functor which only have (f a, f b) -> f (a, b) not f (a, b) -> (f a, f b), we say we have f (B -> C) -> (f B -> f C).

As you might’ve already noticed, this type is the type of (<*>) in Applicative, and Applicative is a functor preserving exponential objects.

This derivation looks a bit confusing in Haskell syntax because we use -> for both morphisms and exponential objects. It might be easier to understand it by writing like this.

  1. C(A ⊗ B, C) ≅ C(A, [B, C])
    • Hom-set from A ⊗ B to C in C is isomorphic to hom-set from A to [B, C] in C because C is a monoidal closed category
    • C is a source category
    • is a tensor product in C
    • [B, C] is an exponential object
  2. D(F(A ⊗ B), F(C)) ≅ D(F(A), F([B, C]))
    • A functor preserves hom-set isomorphism
    • D is a target category
    • F is a functor
  3. D(F(A) ⊗’ F(B), F(C)) ≅ D(F(A), F([B, C]))
    • A functor preserves monoidal products
    • ⊗' is a tensor product in D
  4. D(F(A) ⊗’ F(B), F(C)) ≅ D(F(A), [F(B), F(C)])
    • Hom-set from F(A) ⊗' F(B) to F(C) in D is isomorphic to hom-set from F(A) to [F(B), F(C)] in D because D is a monoidal closed category
  5. D(F(A), F([B, C])) ≅ D(F(A), [F(B), F(C)])
    • From 3 and 4
  6. F([B, C]) ≅ [F(B), F(C)]
    • From 5