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Yoneda lemma in Haskell

Yoneda lemma says

Let F be a functor from a locally small category C to Set. Then for each object A of C, the natural transformations Nat(hA, F) ≡ Hom(Hom(A, −), F) from hA to F are in one-to-one correspondence with the elements of F(A).

What does it mean in Haskell?

First, we use Hask the category of Haskell types as C and Set. Then F will be a normal Haskell Functor.

Hom(A, -) is a hom functor. It’s (->) A when you write it in Haskell. Yes, it’s a reader functor. A natural transformation is written as a polymorphic function in Haskell. You can write a natural transformation from a hom functor to functor F in Haskell like this.

nat :: forall x. ((->) A) x -> F x

whose type can be expanded to this.

nat :: forall x. (A -> x) -> F x

Let’s use Bool as A, and Maybe as F as examples. Then you’ll get this function.

nat :: forall x. (Bool -> x) -> Maybe x

How many functions of this type do you come up with? There are three.

nat1, nat2, nat3 :: forall x. (Bool -> x) -> Maybe x
nat1 f = Just (f True)
nat2 f = Just (f False)
nat3 _ = Nothing

To return Just, we need a value of x. To get a value of x, we need to call f by passing True or False. Otherwise, we’ll return Nothing. In other words, we can select up to three values of Maybe x no matter what x is.

Yoneda lemma says nat is isomorphic to Maybe Bool. Indeed, we have three values of Maybe Bool; Just True, Just False and Nothing. We can define functions to convert them back and forth.

forward :: (forall x. (Bool -> x) -> Maybe x) -> Maybe Bool
forward f = f id

backward :: Maybe Bool -> (forall x. (Bool -> x) -> Maybe x)
backward v = \f -> fmap f v

For example, forward nat1 = Just (id True) = Just True, and backward (Just True) = \f -> fmap f (Just True) = \f -> Just (f True) = nat1.

This means that they are isomorphic.

When you look at these two functions, you can find they work not only with Bool and Maybe, but with any type a and any Functor f.

forward :: forall f a. (forall x. (a -> x) -> f x) -> f a
forward f = f id

backward :: forall f a. Functor f => f a -> (forall x. (a -> x) -> f x)
backward v = \f -> fmap f v

In Data.Functor.Yoneda, (a -> x) -> f x is newtype’d as Yoneda, and forward is called lowerYoneda and backward is called liftYoneda.

type Yoneda :: (Type -> Type) -> Type -> Type
newtype Yoneda f a = Yoneda (forall x. (a -> x) -> f x)

lowerYoneda :: Yoneda f a -> f a
lowerYoneda (Yoneda f) = f id

liftYoneda :: Functor f => f a -> Yoneda f a
liftYoneda v = Yoneda (\f -> fmap f v)