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Open the door with types, part 6

In the previous posts, I used Either for a return type of unlock. It returns Right when it successfully unlocked the door, and Left otherwise. This works well as long as it only returns one of the two types, but it’ll get complicated when it needs to return one of the five types, for example.

You can use Sigma when you want to make a function return one of multiple types. But in our situation, we need to return one of two types out of three types. We have Door 'Opened, Door 'Closed and Door 'Locked, but unlock only returns Door 'Closed or Door 'Locked.

To limit the types a function can return, you can use SigmaP which I explained in Function returning some types. You’ll pass a custom constraint to SigmaP to limit types.

Let’s review SigmaP and a helper type function OneOf.

{-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes,

module Sigma
    ( SigmaP((:&?:))
    , projSigmaP2
    , OneOf
    , OneOfSym0
    , OneOfSym1
    ) where

import Data.Kind (Constraint, Type)
import Data.Singletons.TH

data SigmaP (s :: Type) (p :: s ~> Constraint) (t :: s ~> Type) where
    (:&?:) :: (p @@ fst) => Sing (fst :: s) -> t @@ fst -> SigmaP s p t

projSigmaP2 :: forall s p t r. (forall (fst :: s). p @@ fst => (t @@ fst) -> r) -> SigmaP s p t -> r
projSigmaP2 f ((_ :: Sing (fst :: s)) :&?: b) = f @fst b

type family OneOf l t :: Constraint where
    OneOf l t = If (Elem t l) (() :: Constraint) ('True ~ 'False)

genDefunSymbols [''OneOf]

Using them, you can define unlock like this.

unlock :: Text -> Door 'Locked -> SigmaP State (OneOfSym1 '[ 'Closed, 'Locked ]) (TyCon Door)
unlock key lockedDoor@(LockedDoor name lockedKey)
    | key == lockedKey = SClosed :&?: ClosedDoor name
    | otherwise = SLocked :&?: lockedDoor

When you match the first part of SigmaP, you can convince your compiler that the second part is a specific type. For example, you can write forceOpen like this.

forceOpen :: forall state. SingI state => Text -> Door state -> Maybe (Door 'Opened)
forceOpen key door =
    case sing @state of
        SOpened -> Just door
        SClosed -> Just $ open $ knock door
        SLocked -> case unlock key $ knock door of
                     SClosed :&?: closedDoor -> Just $ open closedDoor
                     SLocked :&?: _ -> Nothing

As you can see, when the first part is SClosed, the second part must be Door 'Closed. When the first part is SLocked, the second part must be Door 'Locked.

It’s very similar to using Either. When it returns Left, it must contain Door 'Closed, and it must contain Door 'Locked if it returns Right. But Sigma (and SigmaP) works even when the function returns one of more than two types.